

Blank Generation

If I  belonged to a generation it would be the blank generation.   In '76 I was 14, the bicentennial, living in Columbus Oh.   still living in the analogue years.  The music, all over, I mean the new stuff, not one vein.  Each had their own sound.  Richard Hell, Televison, Blonde, Ramones, talking heads,  patti smith, Iggy, ....  they were far from blank

what got me thinking about this was Spooky XC phila. 2012 video, the song  Blank Generation,was used as parta the soundtrack.

if any time is gonna disappear, its ours, now.  the text, photos, fb post, blogs, we are gone, ain't no where for the digital statements to live and die.  Nothing for anybody in the future to dig up... to dig.

Its a gold age of the scrap heap,  bloated belly full trash pickings.  

another era called themselves the Blanks,  but they we'rnt so blank, nope, more dope.
today, by default we ourselves are the Blank Generation.

I'll take it.  For us.

Yesterday it did not rain, and there was no mud at HPXC,  I felt good, raced hard with my chin up.  With a bit of pep.  27th.  OK, so no longer 14th.  that's good.    somehow I walked away having a blast.  
Today as the storm rolls in,  I got out, for a walk.  

to the graveyard, where I wondered about thinking, in the strong blowing wind/rain.

someone left a bag of beers, some full, just cool enough to drink on the spot, I grabbed a couple,

cracked, and enjoyed my visit more.

I looked out over Manayunk, straight into the wind from up off the bluff.
You know, I'm going to have to do more than post some shit up on a blog, some pics up on FB.

Yep, I pulled up a bench here, to drink with my new friend.
why Bao?   maybe it was the PBR.

left for him, or maybe it was the view, of the tree.  I looked at the tree and thought of my wife.  The two parts separated, growing outta the same trunk, bending with the wind, apart, towards each other. 
The leaves falling off  their limbs.  The roots, the branches. 

I don't want this to be my stone.
no regrets.  cheers, dlowe.

oh, the photos today, they were taken with a old sony cybershot 6.0 mp pos camera, just goes to show ya.


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