

making Luck

new Woods

much like racing,  I find photography to benefit from hard work, skill, and pre-conceptive ideas.
This year I noticed as the days were getting shorter, the cool blue colors of the ambient light in shadows, and the nice warm direct sunlight to contrast, as it fell upon its subjects.
I missed the brief window of time, when the sun is in its lowest path across the sky. I'd say I have ten days of good light.   I did not get any good photos,  but I got some good ideas.

I ride by here often, and find it hard to get a good picture of the feel of the place.   I was cold, at the end of my short ride.  I tried, the ice gave it all a different look.  its ok.

Easy ride days, are good photo days.  sometimes I come across shots, and sometimes, they are imagined,
shots, and I go back to get them.  
I've pushed my self to go shoot.   and to finish, even if its not a good day behind the camera.

and off in the woods just up the tracks, a drinking spot

a couple of upside down boxes, seats, and empties everywhere.

Most of the time in life, I am a minion.    Much of the time on the bike, and behind the still camera, I am in charge.

and a lot of the time, its nothing special.


Nothing special, its rare that I get a picture that I like.   I work hard to stay fit and fast on the bike.
I'll stay steady onward,  as much as I cringe at my poor photos, 
I need to make some better luck.   The best way would be, better skills.

Cheers, dlowe.

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