

Capital Classic

David Dusing Singers - Soundtrack Dead Man Walking - "Sacred Love"

 it was a good weekend,  it took a bit for it to settle in, finally this morning my energy was low, my legs heavy,  my thoughts dull,  my spirit a bit low.

race morning, the full moon setting view from our hotel, and off to the races

I went down to Reston to race the Capital Classic,   I love this race, traveling and staying in the same great hotel, always with good friends, that I ride and race with.  This year it was Kelly Cline and I that made the trip.

the days leading up to the race were filled with rain,  it was clear on race day,  but muddy, and cold.
I've worked hard to be a better racer,  to enjoy the craft,  and now,  I love the mud, the cold.

Reston is a start where the hole shot does not matter all that much,  a smart rider can move to the front, and a good mudder has more opportunities to make it to the lead.

Kelly took the 1st over the barriers prime,  but had to later withdraw from the race with mechanical/equipment problems.

           photo: William Douglas Graham

I think Kelly is off the front of this chasing group,  that's me mid-pack,  me, biding my time, settling in to a good mud race.  I was happy to pick off two foes coming up to the line,  to niche 8th.

One race left, Limestone,  I'm not tired or dreading it,  I'm not looking forward to an off season, or not.   Riding just takes on another form,  the cold early dark,  getting my SSmtbike built up.
Spiking the water bottle so it does not freeze,  long rides, cold toes, trainer time,  and dreams of racing.


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