

Focus, frame... of mind

I'm just sitting down, damp, in from riding in drizzle.
The billboard, along 76e.  says its 56 out.  Balmy.  and I overdressed, well,... I was quite comfortable for my short ride.

 I have a coffee table book, that I pick-up when I need to focus, to devle back into myself.

 I left everything out on the porch, bike, shoes, booties, rain kit.
and felt inspired by the grayness outside

sorry to harp, but really, I'm not a fan of the long lens, and the 1000x frames that one can shoot
     I look at these photos, I look at the racers, the dress of the people lining the road, the cameras, lens, thoughts of just how many shots that the photographer clicks. No auto setting, maybe a light meter buried in a pocket.  The camera, built solid, strong, rugged.   

 and these pictures, they don't talk to me, or say anything, they just give me a feeling,

a motivation to ride, and in my mind, roubaix is an individuals race, only one soul suffers, only one soul feels the pain,
and only one wins,.... but its in their hearts,... imagine to live your life as if it was as roubaix, so focused, driven, the tolerance,... magnificent,.... 



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