


If you pulled the Fair Hill rolling landscape tight,  a clean taught blanket, making the bed, you'd have the Kutztown course.  
Made with as much love, ...quilts are like that, old scrapes of fabric, coming from whatever saved used-up items, worn out things, that can be put back to use again.   Thrifty.  Memories put to good re-use.

I've never put together my strongest rides at Kutztown,  so I've got that goal in the future, to have a kick ass ride there.

Its cold,  windy, and sets the tone, for preparing for racing and staying warm.

The course, a good balance of suffern' straights, handling corners, whoops too.

Improvements?   The line around the whoops,  with the big poles to hop over, that sharp corner,  put that out somewhere on the course.   That'd make 3 on and off the bike sections.

Socially,  I liked the small fire pit,  some of us master racers sat around it, drank beer, ate some grub, and bullshitted.   A nice addition would be to incorporate a social gathering area, some fire, Warmth to share.   Smores for the kids.

Driving home in my car, I had the sweet smell of smoke on me,
so many good things, Derek's voice on the PA carrying in the wind, I could hear it, as I rode down to the farms across from the course....

Cheers!  Well done! 
thanks Kutztown

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