


I've had the oddest year of training, but still at it and trying to make it work, just a lot of TCB:
I got two real nice shout outs on my ride this afternoon.     A couple of Diane Arbus looking kids.  One youngish 9yr old Las, just standing there "HI".    thanks, and  a little later a lad out by valley forge, arms by his side, feet together, "HI".
photo from work last Thursday, 
Thats Ljiljana my wife, a make-up artist, we work together sometimes.  The camera/dp guy was Paul Hazlett, my college roomate, who introduced me to Ljiljana.
I rode in a garage in cleveland Friday morning, stared out down the drive at some suburban houses.   I did my work.  thank you trainer.  Friday afternoon was a traditional Serbian memorial for the one year passing of the death of Ljiljana's mom.    Its a nice tradition,  food, flowers and prayers are giving at the grave.  And a wedding on Saturday, you drink and dance outside the church, before you go to the reception to eat, dance and do more drinking.    A sad,  happy weekend.  off to Lynch-burg, VA to work,  cheers, dl.

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