

my down Fallings

Off the power-line trail into the backside of the nature center.  It has the sweetest trails.  Coming in off the power-line is mostly carrying the bike.   The regular riding route takes you straight up the center "Nature Boy".   I've been told, scolded, even just riding on the drive way.  I never see anyone on the trails, and only maybe hit 'em, the parks trails, up 4 times a year, each season.  I go real slow,  I understand this is not a biking destination,  that bikes,  no one wants them, flying around on these trails,  that its for walking,... I ride at a walking pace, and do accept, that if I'm told, I'll bow my head and walk the bike out.   and to stay out.

Its really hard, not to ride there, once in a few whiles.


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