


Smoketown, 45+
the last few years I've been blown, off the back of this race.  This year, at times I was scrounging, the last wheel, but sat as much as I could out of the wind.   Took a nice tight 180 and was at the tail of the sprint.  Happy with an 11th.  woo hoo!

but no matter on how I do there, it is always a big bowl on noodles to follow.   I hit up the small Rice and Noodles before the drive home.  so good, so real good.
and my wife will be jazzed, as I got an order+ I'm bring home for her.


I'm not much of a jazz guy,  but this long player rocks,  
my music embedder service clammed up,  I use spotify to stream, it works, so if you want to check it out:

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