

a long time

Van Der Zee,  is one of the books on my coffee table.  and I flip through it slowly as I listen to music.
Feet up, fire warming them.
I look at his photos, he had a long time of taking photos.
from the '20s up into the '80's,  he worked.
I like his look, his work.
and I like seeing the important people, and the nice shots he got of them,
and I flip a page or two,
and study,...

....I wonder where that chair went,  the one from his studio,  it seems to be there from the beginning.
He used the same chair, for his subjects to sit in for over 55+ years,
I love that, the same chair, backgrounds, even the lights,
he found something he liked and stuck with it.  Was real good at it.

Here is a photo by John Loengard,, of Mr. Van Der Zee working in his GGG Studio.

cold early dark nights aren't so bad,  passing the time...

Cheers, d.

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