

about the town

the racing is done for 2013.  and now I'm just out and about on the bike, doing whatever.
mostly on the sscx, and trying to go slow.   taking pictures and stopping to look around, even going a more a bit off the path into the badder neighborhoods.   I've been reading books,  now onto Maynard Dixon,  I guess when I head out the door I want to discovery my own frontiers.  Vistas. There's not much left to really discovery, but maybe more I can rediscover. 
I'm loyal to my routes, and look for even small patches of dirt to add to road, or old sidewalks,  some of the vast empty parking lots.   Just a block off the common route.
I like the sun behind me, in the afternoon, low from the west, just flatlighting the big old empty building, row houses.   The blue cool tones of ambient sky, the light climbs the floors at sun sets behind the horizon.   The far side of the Wissahickon,  the sun drops to my left, and  I look out over the creek to the right, at the opposite hillside.   Watching as I pedal along, the band of sunlight, just hitting the tops of the tallest trees.
cheers dl 

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