

I am what I drink

Chub legs, I had them. They are not good legs for racing. They go right from your hip bones to your toe nails. This weekend I discovered you are what you drink. The best post race recovery beer is PBR light. Simple can, same flavor, lighter taste. Good for getting out of you chamy, and getting your shoes off. Back into your street clothes, and throw a few in you cool cross team jacket and head out to watch the other races. I call PBR lights "racers". If your going to drink while you race, watch out for the officials, you don't want to get DQ'ed, and grab a PBR for your drink of choice. As far as pre-race night drink, by all means always avoid the Golden Monkey. If you do race the next day, take the tires off and just ride on the rims. Well, this past weekend, after the nice drive out to the Hamptons I grabbed myself an Old Chub for my pre-race carbobeer loading. Big Mistake. It really hit the spot. Every muscle fiber in my legs must of had a hangover the next day. Well my head throbbed some and I had to do the 3 cups of coffee and 3 aspirins thing for breakfast. I didn't feel so bad after my dry toast. I was back to myself by race time. I thought. Well, the official blew the whistle and we all pee-weed play housed it and were off to the races. Another good start, but, as much as I tried, little gears, mashing, standing, whatever, no pop, shit... CHUB LEGS. Now I know why the racers in France stay away from the ladies before a race. Listen, and listen good, stick to PBR, Sapporo and noodles, a nice local fresh brew pub beer and flat bread, but by all means Avoid the chub. Unless of course its the night before a holiday ride.

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