

Philly X Wednesday's Results:

It all seems good. Sitting catching up with friends, feeling the buzz, and the coolish night. Settling in....
.....and on the way home from sipping some new flavors from our friends down South that have deemed Philly a market for there tasty suds. I saw the trucks, the tow-away signs, the lights, and I knew we should stop. Soon I was standing back on the set, but with no tool belt and bull shitting with friends. It felt good to visit. Brian Jordan/on the clock, and Ant/off and one of my nights drinking comrades, came back looking for me. B.J. had set Ant up with some headphones to listen to the scene, took him right to the edge of the frame, and Ant got a glimpse of how Hollywood shoots a movie. I took no pics. sorry. but I do have some from the early night, the Terrapin was really tasty, I had 4, and got a sip or two of everyone else's varieties.

I really did not know if I would make it to the 1st 2009 Philly X Wednesday Practice. I did. It was damp and then it rained and Kelly's course turned more crossish and right away it was broken things, and some blood, rolled tires, and run over X'ers. but all good. and this season of cross is off to a great start here in Philly. So you C-3ers, with your darther vader voices, beware. What you have in numbers means just more bullseyes. That might make ya guys a good jersey, cause were freakin chasing you. Today I got out the air compressor, and layed into the bike. I like giving it a good air bath before, the wet bath. I believe that way it don't drive the smallish bits, draining down it to the tightish compartmeants for life, but blows them free.

onward to a tofu pup, chips and some suds. cheers, and to the real start of cross. Lift Glass NOW! dlowe.


sam tots said...

when is racing starting...

d.lowe said...

Lion Cross 9/19, and da Charm of the Cites cross 9/20 for the kick off weekend of MAC racin