


oh, I'm up,
Feeling peppy, and even after yesterday's excellent, small group ride, lead by Kelly Cline.
a long 60 miles for me, and also a tall 4800' of climbing to boot too.  That's big for me.
Good ride, why?  a good small group of like minded riders, some events along the ride, tales to be told, easy pedaling when it was supposed to be easy, and hard when you need to go hard.

oh Kelly didn't float over the dirt potholes and all smooth enough, I enjoy the rare tube change.

                                                photo: the Multi talented.  R. Lewandowski

I got out today to spin 'em out, the legs,  and work in the new shoes, and they felt good,  Maybe it was the new shoes,  I gotta say I'm loving 'em.   My legs felt good, a lot left, I hit some climbs, just enough to be enough, and not enough to be too much.

I'm not a flashy guy, my things tend to be a bit tattered, and it's true I have flannel that is older than most hipsters.  I'm sure, in the closet, I could find one that maybe comes up on 30 years of rep'n.

Kelly is in a new kit, and happy to say a new team mate, and he's got a sense of style, understated, but always, smart.   Shoes to the lid, it works.

Maybe looking good,  it does translate to feeling good, and that's a good thing on the bike.
I need a new lid, with a touch of blue, too.

good weekend, maybe it's just the sap in the veins, maybe its good friends, maybe,
ah what the fuck, take it when you get it, no reason needed!

Cheers my mofo friends!  dlowe

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