

Horrace Pippin: The Way I See it.

I have not told my wife, and I don't think its going to make sense, so it might not go so well.  Some nights I think in the future I want to buy an army cot, listen to a bit of music and fall asleep out in my shed.

Horace Pippin's show is going up down at the Brandywine,
I think he painted the best he could.
He must of just had to paint.
there are a few painters like that, that paint and paint.
and paint just the way they paint.

H. Pippin
I sorta ride my bike that way, I just need to ride, I got to, and got to race.

I hung a picture of Mr. Pippin up on the wall in the shed, to inspire me, when I race.

on view April 25 through July 19 @ the Brandywine River Museum.


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