

riding with Spidey

got out for a good long road ride yesterday,  I feel fresh off of cross, not spent.
so today, took it simple, and spun it out pretty good on the cheapo SScx bike.  still got a good ride in, 30 miles.

stopping here and there, thinking of taking out the camera and capturing the old stairs, steps, sidewalks, that use to go somewhere, that go nowhere now.  quite a few of them about Fairmount park.  

I saw spidey laying face up in the gutter, road by.  hit the brakes, they squeal, on the dirty rims, and cheapo pads.  u-turned and made my way back.  Picked him up, got one arm up.  Waving. and the other clutching the top of the panino pocket.

took him along, passed Rocky, Valley Green Inn, lots of joggers, and a couple of cyclist.  Took the tow path back in.    Stopped at La Colombe.  


Cheers, dlowe.

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