


I sat in a tub of blue tinted water.  Fragrant, eucalyptus.  and read a bit, flip pages, sweat.  

Patrick our cat is doing well, quite a few trips to the Vet., and its all going as best it can.  We hope that a few more treatments and that our friend Patrick will be around for a while.

I came across some books, from 7 years ago or so, while moving stuff about.   I flipped the pages, while soaking, and looked at the art of Bill Callahan.  I've listened to his band Smog for a long time now.  After I noticed that he did the album art, he was pretty small time back then, I contacted the label and tried to buy some.  Looked like it was going to happen, but did not.   Then I saw some of his art published comic book style, nice flat paper pages and a glossy cover build.  Found on the labels website.  I ordered, and every so often, like now, I flip the pages.
winter time, sitting in a tub of blue water, drinking a beer, reading art comics.  cheers, dlowe.


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