


I took a lot of pictures at the Nittany cyclocross race, on day 2.
the results,  of good frames to bad, very low.
that's ok, I didn't have any shots in my head, more just pointing and letting the continuous shooting option click away.

so most were by chance, the ones, the few I liked.

my racing went well, day one, nothing but suffering, no go and a 15th, and day two, smart start, good legs, rolled a tire, and a happy 18th. 

I guess what I've learned about cross, for me, its not winning, or beating, proving anything,  its the challenge, effort, and the consummation of my thoughts, the figuring out, failure and successes that makes me look forward to lining up in the grid next week @ Charm City.

the new team, the people on the team, Its been great.  what a mess in the tent village, and you know its rolling when the chairs and bikes and shit, not only your team mates, but other riders, friend, and family,... it's all over the place.  

and everyone hears shit, or cheers when they come by, the 1st place sandbagging dude that's been racing the B's so long he's ready to move up to masters, to the freaking dudes in the last race of the day, anyone who races elite, .....only respect from me.

and when the sun rises on the next  ez-up,  at the next race, and the beer cans and gel wrappers litter about, that won't come soon enough.  Next week I plan to be a bit more social, to visit some of the other tents/friends in the caravan.
to my fellow racers, Good for you.  Cheers!  david.

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