


I am not generous, its just that I can't hold back.  Do what you love?  If I did not have biking I'd be even more crazy,  really crazy.  and Music, I don't mean to steal or not pay the artist, but I fill up thumb drive after thumb drive, and give,  of stuff that I think I should spread about,  that made me feel something.  

I snuck it in, a ride before work, a good ride, an easy recovery ride.  I thought about the headless budah, about a guy getting cured from cancer and leaving the hospital and getting hit by a bus.   Do I need a monument to myself? 

whew,  I do, my monument
at work if you eat fast you can get some extra minutes, yesterday I went and bought some bread, a cup of coffee and put my feet up and the gate,  that was nice.
cheers mates! d.

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