to the fridge, cheers. dlowe.
I'm tired of feeling "safe" locked inside my house, sleeping in a bed. Whats wrong with the world outside of my house at night. Is it a stupid thing to do?
did the wiss on my SS. been a while and it hurt. Going to keep at it and get my legs back.
oxford rr. I don't know why I raced, just planned to take it easy and stay around the house. Off we go, sorta slow, so off I go. It was a casual off the front of the field go. didn't even get my heart rate up, and soon I quickly had 3o seconds on the field. hit the first short climb, umph, not much in the tank. OK, not to bad on the flatish stuff, I was up to a minute off the front.
I kept looking over my shoulder, nope, no one was bridgin up. 1st lap done, I sorta got lonely, and knew had nothing, no zing, so I just soft pedal for a while. Lap two we go harder on the climbs, lose 1/2 the field. Lap 3, I make the first 2 climbs and #3 just come to a stop. that's it for today. I think I ended up 14th. Happy, but I have really got some work to do.
I really am missing indie rock, you know guitars and good songs.
Ended at Earth drinking. Good line up tonight. and thanks goodness for friends.
cheers. dlowe
I got a cup of coffee, small grits, and a orange. came to $3.93. Used my chit and we soon got to work. Good day, and good talents, good crew and I made it home and hopped on my mtb and was out the door by 6 for a nice soft/muddy ride at the Wiss. Someone has taken all the rocks off the trails so its a little soft from the rain, but it just decomposing leafs and trails scruff, so not doing any deep damage to the wide single track, I got a good ride in. I saw somewhere a photo of a lass doing some trail maintenance, funny thing was she was using a push broom. A push broom on the new smoooooooooooth trail at the wiss. I miss the rocks. I've been messing with my phone likes it a Rubiks cube. Its freaking out and not working right. but somehow, I've found the right combination of killing it and bringing it back to life and the witch floats on. F! I almost pre-ordered an i-phoney. whew. my abacus lives on, so text away, I'll get 'em now, till she won't power on, like tomorrow morn. I look forward to new bloggers and a secret FB knot message.
kick ass everyone, dlowe.
long days, but my heart rate stays low, so I'm getting slower. In between moving frenetically you'll find me perched on a full apple box (12" x 8" x 20"). a behind the scenes look for you all of Sunny in Philly. The most stylin show about philly der is cuz! A kick to the nuts and off to bed. How soon will I get dropped in the Cheney Race? middle finger up to ya. dl
......the grey whisper mist is the gentle escaping gas that you notice when you pry the top off a good bottle of beer.