


a good weekend of racing, after a long week of work. bloomsburg is a dog eared town, with a mutt of a heart. did the wonderful PA masters road race, felt rad on the rollin roads but not much up the hill for the end. despite that, its one of my favorite race, just a super race, I'll do it again next year.

Jeff App. found a nice all american hotel, sorta run down sears style carpted place, nice mattress, clean and quite. goodnight rest helped me for the todays town park crit.
took this photo on the way out after collecting some loot for 5th place. A good race for me, I'm happy with 5th, not that I wouldn't be happier with 1st. I put in a good effort in jumping to get into the right break and helping make it stick. The break of us 6 worked pretty good, despite one member getting a good tongue lashing, but its good to know how someone rides, for the future. uhh... we were coming into the final laps and were catching the field so the officials pulled the field. Cool. and tactics started to play into it all. Me, of course took off as we dilly dallyed going into the 2nd to last lap. Got a good gap with the surprise, made it for a lap and 1/4 but was caught by some hard work and sacrifice by one team mate for another. Despite the work I got back into the fray and sat trying to catch my breath and get some pep back into the legs. didn't happen. got 5th out of the remaining 5. the sink photo is from the place we had dinner. good beers, good food, despite the run downness. Is america becoming a movie star in a house dress?

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