

In the Wash 5th and 5th

 The world is full of wonderful things. If you can find places where the corners have not been rounded off, if you can just sit on a stump in the woods, thinking up sentences that, with forever repeated strung out commas.  thoughts will go on and on

I've done two races, two 5ths.
I'm not sure what grammatically that works out in the math to be. 
Nothings beats racing cross, nothing

5th, I'm about 2 mins & 30 seconds off the podium.
both races.
I've won all my battles to be 5th.
and there is no place easy to beat somebody 

photo creds: Willow

I think the frenchies have some term for an orgasm,
"little deaths"
can't think of a better term to describe cross
La Petite Mort  
45 minutes of all out blissfulness, doubt, total love, greedy, performance anxiety, slap on the back, time to leave, stud
find your socks, and quietly sneak out the door
not matter how it ends
memories, a magnificent glory, a dreadful mechanical
You lined up, gave a heave hoe, and in the end, its, done

See you next week, stay tuned
Charm City it is. 

the anonymously dumped washing machine has been on its side 
along the trail in Belmont for awhile
It always gets a Sonic Youth nod, "hello" 


infinite osmosis


I picked up my number to race, and it was an 8. That is an unusual number for me. First thought, was, infinity.  
then, blog post title, and then infinite osmosis
and that was it, no words followed, no easy stream.  just short burst of emotions, ideas, 
I pretty much thought I'd give up, and not write anything, too tough. 

How many times can I say that is has been a special season.  This year one of the most. 
How much I am surprised by people, THX!  Sturdy Girls for bringing back Nittany.  THX! Instigators for bring the enthusiasm.   THX! Endgrain for the most best cx moment in a long time. 
THX!  twozerodeltathree for capturing moments, that define memories.  
THX! officials, my wife, my training mates, my team mates. Frodo.  the dj B Tart.  Bob "pit man" Joos.

I got out on the mountain bike today, and this small window of time, of the tilt of the earth, the suns angle, and blue cool shadow on top of the fallen leaves.  The little trails of Belmont.  
and I kept thinking infinite osmosis, and nothing came, I have nothing to write, pretty much given up.
and then a thought popped into my mind, a voice "give it a shot d lowe, you can do it!"

The trails, the leaves are so thick, i rode them by memory, history, following the flow, a damn fine day on the bike.

I had no idea what I would write when I sat down tonight, I guess I just need a bit of encouragement, the feeling that someone saw something in me, that potential, that maybe, I can do it. 
Thank you, Kevin

WCCX II 6th Master Men 60+.


CRCX - be good

 My first day walking into junior high, through the front doors I pass the office. On the right, a glass wall to look into.  The office.  Hanging on a wall was a beautiful paddle. The word "good" was painted on it in olde English lettering, it had a waffle 9 holes. I suppose to reduce air flow on the swing, on the way, to smack righteousness into your ass. 

My days at school seemed like as long as you did wrong, respectfully, outside the boundaries, clandestine, nonchalant, you got away with it, no one looked too hard for it.  Maybe no one had the time to deal with it.

In public, wrong was made an example of, swiftly and sometimes unjustly, and it made its point.

Cooper River cx racecourse is a long narrow ground along a river, straights, turns, some steps, a little sandpit of fun.  It's not intimidating, and somehow, it seems, people let down their guard, dropping a bit, and blend together, socialize. 

I dropped my chain twice during the race, once in the beginning of the first lap and once, in a collision coming out of the sandpit, with a long hair single speeder, on the last lap.  Finishing 12th.  Definitely my own fault.
I had good battles, I got a homerun compliment, that "I guiled" the corners impressively (Podium!), from one of our groups members.
I road up to the longhaired single speeder, post race, a younger class rider, the dude who chopped corners, and I chopped his corner and dropped my chain on the last lap.  And smiled, "good racing" I said.  I think it is important, for your opponent to get a compliment for beating you. To show, let him get a look at a 61 year old, bit chubby, foe.  That despite his eye blinder desire to be ahead of me, that after the race we are all just crossers, staying out of the eyesight, over the fence behind the baseball field, sitting on milk crates sharing one can of beer lifted outta someones garage, warm, breaking the rules, together. 


Thx for the fine, in the grid photo, Gorka!


Be In - Crossasaurus

   Some say cross is dead, nil. 
Canceled.  Reeling and reeking of an ugly stench.  A disgusting beast, of swill, drooling, machoistic, the soul of the most honest to the bone internal self-abuse every invented.
I find it comes easy, and to me, quite normal.  And from the first pedal stroke, my heart rate is beating as hard and as fast as it can. I steer a bit wide into this corner and punch it quick to pass on this small patch of dirt. 

Cross is a conscription.  Cross looks easy and fast, as I watch others race.  Cross is a family, after your first race.  It is a secret handshake, a beer clandestinely poured into a Dunkin' Doughnuts cup.
Cross is hard nipples in the cold for everyone.
white lips, pruned toes

Truth be told, it is just another check box of a world of extracurricular actives to choose from.
I can't give it up. 
and right now I am dreaming of the times when I "was fast" fitter, thinner, naive.
Dreaming again of standing atop the top box.
but for now, 
and who knows, how forever long, I'll be chasing you
chasing you to the line. 
